Biaños Homemade Pizza July Promo
Kagay-anon pizza lovers heres a promo of Biaños Homemade Pizza for the month of July. Customers get a free Coke or Sprite Litro when they purchase a medium size Pizza which is 11", in 8 slices and good for 4-5 persons depending on the appetite. Medium size pizza prices ranges from Php 130.00 to Php 198.00. Promo is from 11 oclock in the morning until 3 oclock in the afternoon every Sundays to Thursdays. They have 21 flavors of pizza to choose from including there bestseller Fullhouse for only Php 198.00.
Biaños Homemade Pizza is located at Miranda Buiding, Chaves Street, Cagayan de Oro City. They also accept delivery contact 09161315606 (Globe), 09322008021 (Sun), (088) 3092463 and (088) 8524244.